Text or Call Dan at 240-753-0345 or Dan@DSIpsych.com
Text or Call Sherry at 443-219-7320 or Sherry@DSIpsych.com
Meet Dan
My name is Dr. Dan Isenberg and I am a Licensed Psychologist in the State of Maryland. Although born in Brooklyn, NY, I was raised in the suburbs of D.C. and moved to the Baltimore area in 2014. I completed a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology & Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2004. Then, I went to law school for two weeks! Ask me about that story sometime. Although difficult leaving sunny Florida, I knew I wasn't ready to give my life up to the law. For not a single day since then have I regretted that decision. Leaving law school was one of the most difficult and important decisions I have ever made.
Two years later I found myself at Lehigh University, enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Counseling Psychology. My training and research focused on psychotherapy processes and outcomes, including what makes therapy successful, and what makes good therapists. My dissertation investigated, in-part, how therapists become better at what they do. Additionally, my generalist training emphasized a multicultural perspective, valuing people from all manner of backgrounds, and clinical supervision, which was a primary area of interest for me entering graduate school.
I would explain my theoretical approach as integrationist, emphasizing the common factors of therapy (that is, the elements we know to be present and most critical to therapy success). Common factors include (1) the individual client perspective, (2) the working alliance, (3) therapeutic techniques, and (4) the placebo or expectancy effect. Most importantly, I attend to the client's perspective by focusing on how client's make positive changes, and using individual skills and personality factors to facilitate change. Secondly, I ensure my client's and I develop a strong Working Alliance, which includes (a) agreement on therapy goals, (b) agreement on therapy tasks, and (c) the therapeutic bond. I invite and seek feedback from my clients to ensure that we are creating the conditions needed for a strong Working Alliance, and moving towards the change my clients seek to make.
I have been Licensed in the State of Maryland since July, 2014, a member of the American Psychological Association since 2006, and a member of the Maryland Psychological Association since 2022.
College Counseling
* Towson University Counseling Center (2012 - 2021): Staff Psychologist & Groups Coordinator
* Virginia Tech Cook Counseling Center (2011 - 2012):
Pre-doctoral Intern
* Lafayette College Counseling Center (2008 - 2010): Doctoral Student Counselor
* Moravian College Counseling Center (2007 - 2008): Doctoral Student Counselor
* Towson University:
Fall 2014 - Psyc 721: Group Counseling
(graduate level)
Spring 2016 -Psyc 431: Honors Group Dynamics (undergraduate level)
Dual Diagnosis (Substance Abuse & Mental Health)
* Step-by-Step Outpatient Program
(2008 - 2010):
Allentown, PA
Counselor (M.Ed.)
Clinical Supervision
* Lehigh University (2008 - 2009):
- Distance supervision with school counselors in US International Schools. (incl. Kuwait, Peru, Saudi Arabia)
- Co-group supervision of Lehigh M.Ed. students.
* Virginia Tech Cook Counseling Center (2011 - 2012):
- Supervision of two Doctoral students.
* Towson University (2012 - 2021):
- Supervision of 17 Doctoral students and Pre-doctoral Interns.
- Individual clinical supervision.
- Group supervision.
- Supervision of Group Therapy.
Private Practice
* DSI Psychological Services, LLC
(2015 - present):
Towson, MD
Licensed Psychologist
* Expressive Therapy Center
(2012 - 2014):
Rockville, MD
Staff Psychologist
* Angela Lutzi, LLC (2009 - 2011):
Easton, PA
Counselor (M.Ed.)
My Mission
To provide high quality, research-informed therapy and counseling and supervision to the State of Maryland and beyond.
My Theoretical Approach
Fundamentally, I believe that everyone is a product of their past, but they have the capacity to overcome difficult experiences and live the life they desire. That might mean engaging in a solutions-focused, short-term treatment process, or an insight-oriented long-term process.
I draw from theories grounded in humanistic, psychodynamic, interperonsal, cognitive-behavioral, and multicultural philosophies. Ultimately, someone comes to therapy because something in their life is just not working out the want they want. Therapy helps by identifying poor patterns of relating and problem solving, and helping to replace them with new, more effective styles and strategies.
I have worked with kids, adolescents, and adults, in individual, couple's and group therapy modalities.